Check If Your Email Has Been Compromised


Just recently there has been a number of security breaches at companies where millions of accounts including usernames and passwords were stolen. While the companies in question actually managed to recover from these attacks, unfortunately the users aren’t and are usually left in the dark whether they’re information was part of the leak.
Thankfully a new website – has been created which allows a user to enter an email address and check whether it was part of the security leak.

The site was setup by software architect Troy Hunt based in Australia ( It currently contains the leaked data from the security breaches at Adobe (2013 – 152,445,165), Sony (2011 – 37,103), Yahoo! (2012 – 453,427), Vodafone (56,021), Stratfor (2011 – 859,777), Gawker (2010 – 532,659) and Pixel Federation (38,101). The lists will be updated should anymore security breaches occur.

So I went ahead a tested an array of my email addresses in the system to see what they returned. All of them returned the screen shown below, which means your email wasn’t found in any of the breaches!


PASS – Email not found in security breach data

BUT one of email addresses was actually found in the Adobe breach that happened this year!! Therefore I can show you what it looks like when your email is part of a breach.


FAIL – My email was actually found in the Adobe data

So if you want to check your accounts and email simply head on over to


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